Jakarta, Indonesia Sentinel — Indonesia’s president-elect, Prabowo Subianto, has initiated the process of selecting his cabinet by inviting dozens of potential ministerial candidates, including prominent figures and politicians, to his residence on Jalan Kertanegara IV in South Jakarta.
Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, the Daily Chairman of the Gerindra Party, mentioned that many of the individuals who were invited are strong contenders for positions in the upcoming Prabowo-Gibran administration. However, some are still under consideration.
Dasco also gave a hint on how to identify those most likely to secure a position, saying, “Some are confirmed, and others are still being evaluated. If they leave with a bright expression, that’s a good sign.”
List of potential candidates for Prabowo minister cabinet, drawn from various political parties, academia, and key sectors:
- Prasetyo Hadi (Chairman of Gerindra Party)
- Sugiono (Deputy Chairman of Gerindra Party)
- Widiyanti Putri Wardhana (wife of former Indika Energy CEO Wishnu Wardhana)
- Natalius Pigai (Human Rights activist)
- Yandri Susanto (Deputy Chairman of PAN)
- Fadli Zon (Deputy Chairman of Gerindra Party)
- Nusron Wahid (Golkar politician)
- Saifullah Yusuf (Secretary General of PBNU)
- Maruarar Sirait (Gerindra politician)
- Abdul Kadir Karding (PKB politician)
- Wihaji (Deputy Chairman of Golkar Party)
- Teuku Riefky Harsya (Secretary General of Democratic Party)
- Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (Chairman of the Democratic Party)
- Arifatul Choiri Fauzi (Secretary of Muslimat NU)
- Tito Karnavian (Minister of Home Affairs)
- Zulkifli Hasan (Chairman of PAN)
- Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro (academic)
- Yassierli (academic)
- Yusril Ihza Mahendra (constitutional law expert)
- Bahlil Lahadalia (Chairman of Golkar Party)
- Abdul Mu’ti (Secretary General of Muhammadiyah)
- Muhaimin Iskandar (Chairman of PKB)
- Komjen Agus Andrianto (Deputy Chief of Indonesian Police)
- Raja Juli Antoni (Deputy Minister of Agrarian Affairs)
- Agus Gumiwang (Minister of Industry)
- Pratikno (Minister of State Secretariat)
- Ribka Haluk (Acting Governor of Central Papua)
- Iftitah Sulaeman (Democratic politician)
- Maman Abdurrahman (Golkar politician)
- Prof. Rachmat Pambudy (academic)
- Budi Santoso (Secretary General, Ministry of Trade)
- Sakti Wahyu Trenggono (former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries)
- Raden Dodi Priyono (Secretary General of PUPR Ministry)
- Hanif Faisol Nurofiq (Director General of KLHK)
- Sultan Bachtiar Najamudin (Chairman of DPD RI)
- Nazarudin Umar (Grand Imam of Istiqlal Mosque)
- Andi Amran Sulaiman (Minister of Agriculture)
- Erick Thohir (Minister of State-Owned Enterprises)
- Dito Ariotedjo (Minister of Youth and Sports)
- Budi Gunadi Sadikin (Minister of Health)
- Airlangga Hartarto (Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs)
- Sri Mulyani (Minister of Finance)
- Veronica Tan (former wife of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama)
- Dudy Purwagandhi (Commissioner of PLN)
- Supratman Andi Agtas (Minister of Law and Human Rights)
- Donny Ermawan Taufanto (Acting Secretary General of Defense Ministry)
- Rosan Roeslani (Minister of Investment/BKPM)
- M Herindra (Deputy Minister of Defense)
- Meutya Hafid (Golkar politician)
Prabowo Calls 59 Candidates for Deputy Ministers and Agency Heads
PKS Members Not in Attendance
Notably absent from the meeting were representatives from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), despite the party having declared its support for Prabowo’s administration. PKS, which had been a rival in the 2024 presidential election, was expected to propose candidates for ministerial positions.
Prabowo clarified the situation, stating that PKS had indeed submitted names, but the candidates they proposed were professionals rather than political figures. “Perhaps you didn’t notice because their candidates are professionals,” Prabowo remarked after the meeting.
As Prabowo continues to shape his cabinet, it is evident that he aims to balance political experience with professional expertise for a more inclusive and effective government.