Jakarta – PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental (“PTK”)’s commitment in supporting the Government to achieve the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal’s (SDGs) with social and environmental responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities was again proven at the Indonesia Best CSR Awards 2023. PTK was awarded Best CSR in Marine Logistics Sector Industry 2023 on May 25, 2023 at LPP RRI Indonesia.
The annual award event organized by The Iconomics and supported by Axia Research is a form of appreciation to companies in Indonesia that have carried out CSR activities over the past year and have had a significant impact on society.
The hope is that this award ceremony can encourage companies to prioritize TJSL not only as a corporate obligation, but also as part of the company’s strategy to improve its positive image to stakeholders.
Vice President Legal & Relations PTK, Dwi Indra Kuntoadji who received the award in person expressed his gratitude for the appreciation of PTK’s CSR activities. He stated that PTK fully upholds Pertamina Group’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitments which are aligned with the SDGs in responding to the challenges of sustainable growth.
“We express our gratitude for the award given. It is an honor for PTK to continue to contribute in supporting sustainable growth. We will continue to be committed to providing benefits to the community, especially around the PTK work area through the CSR program that we have prepared,” said Indra.
PTK itself has 4 CSR pillars, namely Environment, Education, Empowerment and Health. To support Pertamina Group’s commitment to the environment, PTK has conducted a waste bank program, coral reef transplantation, planting 1000 mangroves, and arranging green open spaces.
Meanwhile, to support sustainable growth, PTK has mentored students through the PTK Teaching program and the Women’s Empowerment program. In addition, PTK has also implemented several assistance, counseling, and upskilling programs for communities around PTK’s operational areas.
With the vision of “Becoming an integrated Maritime Services Company with a global scale in 2026”, PTK is committed to realizing the vision of a company that continues to grow and develop. The Best CSR in Marine Logistics Sector Industry 2023 award can be achieved for PTK’s commitment in supporting the implementation of SDGs. Holding fast to its vision and mission, PTK will continue to contribute to sustainable growth.