Bandung, — Pavel Durov, the Telegram CEO was arrested at Le Bourget Airport in France on Saturday evening, shortly after landing on a private jet from Azerbaijan. The arrest of the tech billionaire, known for his strong advocacy for free speech and privacy, has sent shockwaves through the tech community.
Durov, a controversial figure who famously defied Russian government orders to cooperate with authorities, has long been a champion of encrypted communication. Despite facing significant challenges, including a three-year ban of Telegram in Russia from 2018 to 2021, the platform has grown to boast over 700 million active monthly users. Durov had even set an ambitious goal of reaching 1 billion users by the end of the year.
With a net worth of $15.5 billion, Durov ranks as the 120th richest person in the world according to Forbes. Despite his immense wealth, Durov is known for his ascetic lifestyle, avoiding worldly pleasures in favor of spiritual pursuits.
He abstains from alcohol, nicotine, drugs, caffeine, fast food, and even television, often opting for meditation as a form of detoxification. His minimalist approach extends to his wardrobe, where he is often seen wearing simple black t-shirts, reminiscent of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.
Durov’s modesty is further exemplified by his choice of smartphone. Recently, he revealed that his primary work device, a Samsung Galaxy A52, had broken due to Dubai’s intense heat. The phone, which retails for around $300, is far from the luxury devices typically associated with tech billionaires.
The reasons behind Durov’s arrest remain unclear, as French authorities have yet to issue an official statement.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested in France
However, the French Office for the Prevention of Violence against Minors (OFIN) had previously issued an arrest warrant for Durov, citing serious charges including money laundering, drug trafficking, and the dissemination of child exploitation content on Telegram.
As the investigation unfolds, the tech world awaits further details on the fate of one of its most enigmatic figures.