Dompu – The cultural heritage at the Langgodu site in the old Hu’u location is a cultural heritage that must be maintained and preserved. It is the identity of the local community and an ancestral heritage that is full of value. Preserving it is not only the responsibility of the government, but all levels of society must take part in preserving this cultural heritage.
At the Langgodu site there are many relics of chairs, showers, graves, human palms, stoves, and other remnants of past life. This site is proof that there was a past life in the south of Dompu district. According to local residents, this is an old village. Here people grew crops, raised livestock and cleared fields.
The existence of this site holds many mysteries of the past, so research was conducted by related parties to reveal the lives of the people who inhabited the southern region of Bumi Nggahi Rawi Pahu. So various relics were found both visible and still buried under the ground hundreds of years ago.
Evidence of relics is located on the hill and at the foot of the hill, some of which are on the edge of residents’ rice fields. Fortunately, a number of relics are still preserved, although some of them have been damaged due to acts of vandalism from irresponsible human hands. However, as an effort to educate the next generation, the Langgodu site is also often visited by students from nearby schools.
In an effort to protect the cultural heritage of the Langgodu site, the
the Culture and Tourism Office of Dompu Regency has assigned one person to guard the site. It is hoped that the site will be preserved and seen by future generations.
Suradin, the guardian of the Langgodu site, said that this site is a heritage that must be cared for and protected from damage, both from irresponsible human hands and from wild animals in the location of the site.

“This is a heritage that we must preserve, so that future generations can still see and interpret this heritage,” he said during a field visit at the Langgodu site, Thursday, (6/15/23).
He added that the Culture and Tourism Office of Dompu Regency pays attention to the existence of this site. This is evidenced by placing guards who periodically check the condition of the site. But so far, even though some of the relics are located in people’s rice fields, they are still well preserved.
“I met farmers around the site area and they are aware of the existence of these relics by taking care of them,” he said.