Bandung, — The wildfire that burns the savanna on Anak Dara Hills was finally extinguished completely after three days of restless effort. The fire is estimated to have spread and devoured 286 hectares of land on the hill.
Head of Protection and Ecosystem Natural Resource Conservation (KSDAE) Rinjani Timur, Lalu Iskandar, said that the hotspots spreading from the peak of Anak Dara Hills that occurred from Saturday night to Monday night were finally extinguished at 00.00 WITA.
“From our monitoring last night at the Sembalun Resort, the hotspots have been completely extinguished,” he said, Tuesday, September 3.
Previously, the wildfire that occurred on Anak Dara Hills in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) caused the climbing activities to be temporarily closed, which had been issued since Tuesday (3/9) and would be carried out until the situation on the hill is safe for climbing.
The wildfire incident started on Saturday night, August 31, and the fire had not been extinguished until Monday night. The officers suspected the fire spread across the savanna on Anak Dara Hills was coming from the remains of climber’s camp fires. This suspicion is strengthened by the first fire point, which was originating from the top of the hill.
Around 70 climbers who were on Anak Dara Hills were evacuated, assisted by the Dalkarhutla Team consisting of the Sembalun Police, members of the East Lombok Brimob, members of the Sembalun Koramil, and members of the East Rinjani Forest Management Unit (KPH).
Furthermore, this fire is also suspected to have been caused by the negligence of the management of Anak Dara Hills. Therefore, the managers must actively conduct socialization and increase the number of warning signs along the climbing route.
Forest Management Unit (KPH) officers were asked to keep an eye on the site managers as to not making negligence that may cause similar incidents in the future. Managers were also asked to continue reminding the climbers to comply with the established SOP.
“We appeal to all visitors to comply with the existing SOP, for instance, do not have a campfire on the top or peak without the supervision of the area manager. If violated, be prepared to be processed,” Iskandar concluded.