Jakarta, Indonesia Sentinel – Print media Republika will be fully digital by 2023. The Minister of Religious Affairs (Menag), Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, congratulated it and wished it more success in the future.
“Congratulations on transforming into a fully digital media, Republika!” explained Minister of Religion Yaqut in his official broadcast, Saturday (31/12/2022).
Republika newspaper was first published in 1993. In recent years, along with the times, Republika has been present in two platforms, print and digital media. Welcoming 2023, Republika has announced to fully migrate to digital media.
According to the Minister of Religious Affairs, this transformation should be appreciated as an effort to adjust to the times. “Hopefully it will be successful and more successful,” the Minister hoped.
Koran Republika is one of three print media that received the PR Award 2022. The other two print media are Koran Sindo and Jawa Pos. In addition, awards were also given to a number of media that are members of the Hajj Media Center (MCH) 2022, namely: Kumparan (Muhammad Iqbal) for MCH Makkah Working Area; Kompas TV (Nitia Anisa) for MCH Madinah Working Area; and SCTV (Pudji Tri Wachyuni) for MCH Airport Working Area.
The Ministry of Religious Affairs 2022 Public Relations Award was also given to the Online Media category, namely Tempo.co (Anton Aprianto), Times Indonesia (Yatimul Ainun), and medcom.id. (InfoPublik.id / Photo: Ministry of Religious Affairs Public Relations)