Bali – The 18th Asia Media Summit 2023 (AMS 2023) produced the Bali Memorandum of Understanding document.
The document was signed by the ministerial-level officials present, Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI), and the Asia Pacific Institute Broadcasting Development (AIBD).
From the document, there are three initiatives, namely the first, relating to the responsible use of social media platforms, namely increasing public awareness through education of information circulating on social media.
“We can really raise public awareness and educate users, so they can distinguish between credible or misleading information,” said AIBD Business Advisor, Paul Soosay when giving a statement at the closing of AMS 2023 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Nusa Dua, Bali on Wednesday (5/24/2023).
Second, the responsibility of platform owners and stakeholders of social media. In overcoming the spread of false information, there must be a shared responsibility between account owners and stakeholders.
That way, there is collaboration between the two parties to anticipate the spread of false information on various social media platforms.
“We try to emphasize to the stakeholders that they are equally responsible,” said Paul.
Third, joint regional enforcement by identifying problems and legal action. To maintain a balance between freedom of speech and restrictions on expressing opinions on social media.
In this way, it will be effective in reducing the spread of false and misleading information in the social media space.
“Ensure the need to curb misleading information and news. Basically to protect the sanctity of news and information,” said Paul.
The AMS 2023 Summit in Bali, which was held from May 22 to 25, 2023, was attended by more than 300 delegates from various media across Asia Pacific.
Delegates from various professions, such as parliamentarians, CEOs, and decision-makers from various parts of the world came to attend this annual conference.
The conference also invited decision-makers, media professionals, scholars, and news and program stakeholders from Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and North America.
The delegates participated in a number of discussion meetings on various themes, including new broadcast media technology approaches, digital broadcasting basics, and engineering basics in the automation era.
The 18th Asia-Pacific Media Summit 2023 carries the theme Media Enhancing Economic Sustainability. This theme is related to the role of the media in increasing economic growth after the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo: Amiriyandi/InfoPublik)